Entries by mmstaff

Are You Making These 5 Goal-Setting Mistakes?

As a results-focused career, business, and leadership coach, I spend a lot of time sitting down with people to help them set goals. I’ve discovered that the type of goals we set makes a big difference to how achievable the goals are, and how much they actually bring you closer to a desired future. Here […]

“Be Who You Want to Be.” How Does that Really Work?

You’ve probably heard that “Stepping into WHO you want to be opens the doors for your career to advance.” But most people don’t understand what that means. Most people assume that it means: dress for the position you want; assume responsibilities of the position for which you strive; follow your boss’ example for work ethic; and get […]

Oct. 30: “Career, Leadership, Lifestyle: Finding your Sweet Spot”

Career, Leadership, Lifestyle: Finding your Sweet Spot The session will be of interest for seasoned or new environmental professionals. A workshop and coaching session for the next generation of sustainability leaders. Melissa Creede, President of Sapis Insight, will explore the difference between a leader, and an effective leader. Develop your skills to make transformative change.

Social Enterprise Competition-win $25,000

Calling all young philanthropists and social entrepreneurs! Are you ready to take your world-changing idea to the next level? Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) announces its inaugural Social Enterprise Student Competition Do you have a great idea for a new socially responsible product, service or business model? Then OCE’s Social Enterprise Student Competition is for […]

What do you have to Give Up to Move Up? Nothing

We often hesitate to invest in getting to the next level because we fear we’ll lose something important along the way. Meanwhile, we’re less productive. We’re distracted from achieving fulfillment because we’re busy avoiding what we don’t want, or trying to attain things we hope will fulfill us, even though we don’t know for sure. […]