Volunteer Project Manager position – Emerging Environmental Leaders
The 4th biennial Forum for Emerging Environmental Leaders is a side event to the Globe 2012 Conference in Vancouver (March 2012). We are looking for an experienced and motivated Volunteer Project Manager to lead this exciting event.
The Forum is a day-long workshop, for 100-150 people between the ages of 18 and 25, that focuses on engaging the next generation of policy thinkers, entrepreneurs and community actors – it is about new talent, ideas and actions – those people who will build the businesses and solutions to address the challenges of the 21st century. Over the years, the Forum has continued to strengthen its brand, and grown in sophistication, number of partners and participants.
If you are an emerging environmental leader who is interested in this exciting and dynamic volunteer position, please send your CV and a brief (150-450 words) statement outlining why you are interested in, and the best candidate for, this position, to: Elizabeth Watterworth, ewatterworth@eco.ca by Friday, September 30, 2011.We anticipate that, with your excellent coordination and project management skills, this upcoming Forum will be the best, yet!